©2019 Brusbox Music. All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of material on this site is strictly prohibited without expressed or written permission from Brusbox Music and site owner Niklas Aman. Links to public albums, playlists or any public page may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to label Brusbox Music, composer/artist Niklas Aman and any other composer, publisher or collaborator being mentioned, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
For logged in clients having high-res download access: The audio files are only for demoing and trying out in your film, video or other visual media. You need to get clearance and a music license before finalizing and release to public. The log-in account is a B2B service offered in trust and may be revoked at any time on signs of any misuse.
Unauthorized use of audio files: You may not sell, give away, lend, lease, copy, remix, publish, distribute, license the music to other parties as music only, or any other form apart from included in media and terms being covered and agreed upon when licensed to your film, broadcast production or other visual media.